What devices do you specialize in repairing?

We repair cell phones, iPods, tablets, laptops, game consoles, iWatches and PCs. If your device is not listed under our Repairs page, please contact us for a free estimate. Call or text our Chicago location at (773)376-8200 or our Brookfield location at (708)853-8288.

I'm not sure what's wrong with my device. What steps do I take in order to receive a diagnosis?

Take advantage of our free estimate and diagnosis! You can visit us during business hours at our Chicago location, Monday-Friday 10a-6p (no appointment needed). You can call or text us to set up an appointment at our Brookfield location @ 708-853-8288. If you can’t visit us, you can mail in your device.

How long will my repair take?

We pride ourselves in offering same day service on most repairs. Repairs that usually take more than 24 hours are water damaged devices, repairs requiring custom orders of parts or motherboard repairs.

When you drop off your device or mail it in, we will inform you of the estimated turnaround time for your specific repair during your free estimate consultation.

Is there a fee if I decide to not repair my device?

If you decide to not repair your device after our free estimate and diagnosis, there will be a $20 diagnostic fee applied for the labor invested during the evaluation process.

What is your warranty policy?

We offer a 90 day warranty on all parts and labor pertaining to the original repair. The warranty will be voided if the device has physical or water damage obtained after the initial repair.

Will my phone continue to be waterproof after being repaired?

Any device that was manufactured as waterproof will no longer be so if it needs to be disassembled to be repaired. Gadgetech will not be held liable for water damage caused to a device should it come into contact with any liquids after repair.

What if you find something else wrong with my device?

We will notify you if there are any additional issues identified during the diagnostic or repair process. We do not automatically assume you will want the additional repair therefore we will not go further with the repair process until we have received your approval.

Do you offer discounts on multiple repairs or Corporate/Commercial accounts?

Yes! We offer special pricing on bulk orders. Please contact us for further information.

